Being in Balance - Creating Abundance Course - 1 Pay

Online Course

Consciously creating abundant health, wealth, and happiness in your everyday life. 

Discover the '3 Ways of Being' for accessing your inner wisdom to live a life of clarity, vitality, and creative success.

What you'll get:

  • 7 Teaching Sessions with Alana
  • Video and Audio Recordings 
  • Access to Private Course Website
  • Private Community Group Online
  • Weekly Practices & Exercises
  • Downloadable Course Materials
  • All the Special Bonus Content
  • And much, much more!



Module 1: Intention Matters: Embodying Daily Intentions for Yourself to Live More Clearly  

In this first module, we will get to the heart of the matter where you will discover the power of intention setting, and identify meaningful goals to focus on. You will experience the ability to clear your mind while opening your heart to bring forth a unique vision to create your authentic path.  You will discover:

  • How to create a powerful intention statement and set it in motion as your unique mantra
  • How to clear the mind and open the heart to access your inner truth
  • How to identify meaningful goals and empower them

Module 2: Destress for Success: Nurturing the Soul and Finding Peace Within to Express Total Balance   

The answers are within each and everyone of us. We simply need to listen. But when there are constant demands on your time and energy reserve, the answers may become cloudy. By stilling the mind, and allowing the thoughts to settle, your inner wisdom and peace of mind are more easily attained. In this session you will discover:

  • How to cultivate inner peace to reduce anxiety
  • How to create relaxing moments that will rejuvenate you to your soul’s full potential
  • How to identify the onset of stress and the tools to manage it

Module 3: Law of Attraction: Accumulating Wealth and Creating Abundance Naturally

You may think that if only you had enough money, everything else would be fine. While financial abundance doesn’t solve everything, it can make life more comfortable. In this module you will learn the subtle differences in your mindset, and how they contribute toward your financial success. Here you’ll gain the tools to:

  • Create a money goal and align it with your soul’s purpose
  • Draw toward you the amount of money you’d like to have
  • Identify how increasing your wealth positively impacts not only you but those around you

Module 4: Be in Your Body: Increasing your Energy Reserve and Optimism Through Nutrition, Exercise and Yoga  

Making time for your health and fitness often falls by the wayside, whether you’re skipping lunch or being a couch potato. In this module, you’ll discover how self love and acceptance builds self confidence.  This in turn affects your vitality and body image.  In this module we’ll cover:

  • How to make your health a priority
  • Finding an activity that excites you
  • How nutrition increases vitality 

Module 5: The Balancing Act: Juggling One Ball at a Time to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Overwhelmed with juggling too many balls in the air? Whether you’re prone to multi-tasking or saying yes to everything and everyone, you will eventually harbor resentment, and burn out. You may feel like you are an empath, and take on other people’s energy or you may be a high achiever and can’t resist a new opportunity.  In this module we’ll take a look at what those balls are, and which one of them is most relevant in your life today. Don’t worry.  The other balls won’t disappear but they can be dropped temporarily. You'll identify:

  • Whether your life/work activities are in alignment with your soul purpose and the goals you have created in this program
  • How to prioritize and be more selective with taking on new projects
  • How to protect your energy bubble
  • How to transform empathy into emotional intelligence
  • The fine art of delegating and letting go

MODULE 6: Meditate & Create: Activating Goals to the Next Level

Now that you’ve identified the top priorities in your life today, it’s time to clear away any obstacles that might be getting in your way. In this module we’ll identify the roadblocks between you and your desired goals and make these goals your priority. You’ll discover how to:

  • Identify blocks and their sources
  • Remove unhealthy attachments
  • See your goals in the light of day

MODULE 7: Integrate It All: Bringing Balance Back Into Your Life

It’s time to gather these gems together to create an effective plan of action to guide you toward your life of inner peace and outer joy.  You will gain the support of others to invest in yourself, and trust that your good fortune is everyone’s good fortune.  In this final module you will create a feasible plan that is uniquely your own, and have the opportunity to:

  • Share your plan with others
  • Set the law of attraction firmly in motion
  • Develop a mindfulness practice to support you on your path

We look forward to your journey of personal and professional growth!

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What People Are Saying:

Alana's coaching practice has been invaluable in building my business and helping manage my work-family balance. She is patient, yet purposeful, and has opened my eyes to the extreme benefits of meditation, journaling and gratitude. This program shares these tools. I am forever indebted!

Nancy Woolver, Financial Advisor, New York Life

$497.00 USD

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